Call For Sponsors

Get ready to be part of an unparalleled gathering at PHPCamp 2024 Pune where the world of Indian PHP professionals converges to collaborate and share knowledge. Based on past events’ resounding success, PHPCamp 2024 is poised to be an even more impactful experience.

What Makes PHPCamp Stand Out?

Proven Track Record
With a legacy of more than 700 active participants at our previous event, PHPCamp has fostered PHP development excellence in India.
Diverse Tracks and Sessions un-conference style
Spanning Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced levels, PHPCamp 2024 offers a comprehensive program, including diverse presentations, live demonstrations, hands-on workshops, and engaging Birds of a Feather (BOFs) sessions centered around PHP development.
Extensive Networking Opportunities
Our event attracts a diverse array of skilled developers, project managers, IT professionals, and industry experts, providing sponsors with unparalleled exposure to a talented and influential audience.
Prominent Brand Visibility
By supporting PHPCamp, sponsors gain significant exposure among industry leaders, tech enthusiasts, and potential recruits. Choose from various sponsorship packages to effectively showcase your brand’s offerings and services to a captivated audience.
Community Engagement
Sponsoring PHPCamp is more than just a branding opportunity; it’s an investment in the growth and development of the thriving Indian PHP community. Your support contributes to knowledge sharing, skill enhancement, and community-driven growth.
What Makes PHPCamp Stand Out?

Why Become a Sponsor?

Talent Acquisition

Talent Acquisition

Engage with top-tier professionals, potential recruits, and PHP decision-makers. Showcase your company’s culture, career opportunities, and technological advancements to a targeted and influential audience.

Brand Recognition

Brand Recognition

Elevate your brand’s visibility through various sponsorship tiers, offering tailored opportunities to reach your desired audience effectively. Packages include prominent logo placement, website features, and recognition during event sessions.

Thought Leadership Opportunities

Thought Leadership Opportunities

Showcase your company’s expertise by hosting dedicated sessions, workshops, or roundtables, positioning your brand as an industry leader and thought influencer.

Long-term Relationship Building

Long-term Relationship Building

Forge lasting connections with industry leaders, stakeholders, and potential partners, laying the groundwork for future collaborations and business growth.

Sponsorship Packages


Composer Maestros

The premium sponsorship package offers top-tier exposure and exclusive engagement opportunities within the PHP community. Composer Maestros will have a significant presence in the sponsor hall and be prominently featured on the official PHPCamp website.

Here are some details on how Composer Maestros receive recognition:

₹ 3,00,000
(2 slots)

Prominent, largest logo and link on the official PHPCamp website for one year.
Prominent, largest logo and link on the event archive page after one year.
Exclusive post on the official PHPCamp website that features your organization.
Thank you tweets from official PHPCamp social media accounts.
Acknowledgment and thanks during opening remarks.
The largest logo on the “thank you sponsors” signage in the sponsor hall.
Inclusion of your logo in the largest size on the between-session slide at the event
The largest logo on the “thank you sponsors” signage in the venue.
3 Dedicated Roll-up standees 6′(h) x 3′ (w) in Networking Area
2 newsletters to all the attendees (one before and one after the event)
Large Booth with prime placement in the conference hall for conversing with attendees, recruiting, and meeting and greeting. Dimensions will be shared at least three weeks before the event.
5 Free Event Passes for Team

Package Pioneers

Pave the way as pioneers in PHPCamp and gain widespread recognition among developers. Influence the PHP community by supporting this sponsorship package, securing prominent exposure and recognition.

Package Pioneers will have a notable presence in the venue and be prominently featured on the official PHPCamp website. Here are some details on how Package Pioneers will receive recognition:

₹ 1,50,000
(5 slots)

Prominent, large logo and link on the official PHPCamp website for one year.
Prominent, large logo and link on the event archive page after one year.
Exclusive post on the official PHPCamp website that features your organization.
Thank you tweets from the official PHPCamp social media account.
Acknowledgment during Opening Remarks on the first programming day.
Large logo on the “thank you sponsors” signage in the venue.
Inclusion of your large-sized logo on the between-session slide at the event.
2 Dedicated Roll-up standees 6′(h) x 3′ (w) in Networking Area
One newsletter to all the attendees after the event.
3 Free Event Passes for Team
Medium Booth in the sponsor hall for conversing with attendees, recruiting, meeting, and greeting. Dimensions will be shared at least three weeks before the event.

Script Supporters

Script Supporters are our valued supporters of PHPCamp; by choosing this sponsorship tier, you get essential brand visibility and engagement opportunities within the PHP community.

Script Supporters will have space in the sponsor hall and on the official PHPCamp website, as described below:

₹ 75,000
(10 slots)

Prominent, medium logo and link on the official PHPCamp website.
Post on the official PHPCamp website that features all the Script sponsors.
Thank you tweets from the official PHPCamp Twitter account recognizing all the sponsors.
Medium logo on the “thank you sponsors” signage in the sponsor hall.
Single table and two chairs in the conference hall for conversing with attendees, recruiting, and meeting and greeting.
1 Dedicated Roll-up standees 6′(h) x 3′ (w) in Networking Area
2 Free Event Passes for Team

Community Connectors

Sponsorship focused on community involvement and fostering connections among PHP enthusiasts and supporting PHPCamp.
Community Connectors will have space in the sponsor hall and on the PHPCamp website, as described below:

₹ 20,000
(15 slots)

Prominent, small logo and link on PHPCamp website.
Post on official PHPCamp website that features all the Community Connectors .
Thank you tweet from official PHPCamp social media accounts recognizing all the Community Connectors.
1 Dedicated Standees Roll-up Standee1 (6′(h) x 3′ (w)) in Networking Area
1 Free Event Passes for Team
Lets go



Become A Sponsor!