Proposed Sessions

Do you have a burning passion to share your knowledge and insights with the PHP community? Then PHPCamp is the place for it, this is your chance to share your expertise, inspire the community, and make PHPCamp an unforgettable experience.

So, what are you waiting for? Submit your talk today and get ready to take the stage!

Remember, these are just suggested topics, and the final schedule will be confirmed on the day.

List of proposed Sessions

Title Description Name Type Level
Drupal’s Transform API – bridge between the traditional and the modern web.

Transform API in Drupal CMS is a module that serves the data of the CMS in JSON format (API-first) while maintaining the traditional roots of serving content in HTML format.

This capability allows Drupal to maintain its original flavour while also adapting the modern trends.

Ruturaj Chaubey

CMS Intermediate
Headless Drupal interaction made easy with the Drupal API Client.

The Drupal API Client is a set of JavaScript packages that simplify the process of interacting with common Drupal APIs.

Cover commonly used clients like JSON:API Client.

The Drupal API Client takes great care to be framework-agnostic and universal.

It can be used:
– with your JavaScript framework of choice, vanilla JavaScript, or even in Drupal itself.
– with or without TypeScript.
– on the server, or on the client.
– with a bundler, or as a script import from a CDN.

Ruturaj Chaubey

JavaScript Intermediate
Headless Drupal 101

Decoupled Drupal, or headless Drupal, uncouples the back-end of the CMS system that manages content from the front-end that is responsible for presenting or displaying content, allowing Drupal to expose content to other front-end systems.

This introductory session will cover all the necessary concepts of headless Drupal.

By the end of the session, anyone who knows Drupal or any other CMS will get an idea of the Decoupled/headless flavour of Drupal CMS.

Ruturaj Chaubey

CMS Intermediate
Tidy Up Your Code

In this session, we delve into the art of crafting human-readable PHP code. The talk highlights the essence of good code and how a few strategic tweaks can enhance readability and maintainability. Key topics include:

1) Improving Appearance: Learn how small changes in code formatting can significantly enhance visual clarity.

2) Correct Nomenclature: Discover the importance of using descriptive and consistent naming conventions.

3) Modern PHP Features: Explore the latest PHP advancements and how they can simplify and streamline your code.

Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting out, this talk offers valuable tips and techniques to make your PHP code cleaner and more comprehensible for you and your fellow developers.

Abbas Ali

Programming Basic
OpenSource Salesmen

There are various ways one gets involved in an open-source project be it by sponsoring money, contributing code, organizing events, or publicly speaking about it. We generalize this as contributions if we look from a different perspective we can look at it as a salesmanship. We help the project grow by marketing & selling it which is crucial for the sustainability of the project. If we start looking at it as salesmanship it gives us a different perspective to see and contribute to the project.

The talk will shed light on these aspects to explore how one can contribute to oss in this capacity and help in better adoption.

We will see some current examples of individuals and businesses doing this in different forms.

Let’s talk and unleash our inner open-source salesmen.

Ajit Bohra

OpenSource Basic
PHP: Dead but Still Valuable and Relevant

Despite the ever-evolving landscape of web development, PHP remains a significant and valuable language. Join us for a deep dive into why PHP, often considered ”dead” by some, still holds its ground in today’s tech world.

As the Hindi saying goes, ”मरा हाथी भी सवा लाख का होता है”, which means ”Even a dead elephant is worth one and a quarter lakhs.” This encapsulates the enduring value of PHP despite perceptions of its obsolescence. Like the proverbial elephant, PHP’s legacy, extensive use, and continuous improvements make it a formidable player in web development.

Ajit Bohra

Programming Basic
Transforming Legacy PHP Projects: Strategies for Successful Upgrades

Dive into the challenges and strategies of upgrading legacy PHP projects. This session will discuss teams’ psychological and technical hurdles when moving from outdated PHP versions to the latest standards. We’ll explore methods like breaking down upgrades into manageable steps, understanding and overcoming resistance within teams, and utilizing tools to facilitate continuous improvement. Join us to learn how to make ”impossible” upgrades achievable and how to turn the daunting task of modernization into a structured, incremental process that encourages team engagement and project success.

Abhishek Deshpande

Legacy Code Intermediate
NoCode PHP Development using AI

With advent of AI tools like ChatGPT, writing code is no longer needed. If you can read PHP code, you can develop any complex application with the help of AI.
Who about an interactive session to cover the basics of How to plan, develop and execute a PHP project using ChatGPT!

Premanshu M

DevOps Basic
Importance of traceability

Logs and traceability are essential components of a well-designed web application, providing valuable insights into the operation, security, and performance of the application.
I am thinking to through some lights on various logs like system logs, activity logs, error logs, query logs which helps in debugging and performance monitoring

Randhir Jha

Frameworks Intermediate
“Surviving the IT Ice Age: A PHP Developer’s Plan B, C, and Beyond!”

As we enter 2024, the landscape of the IT industry has undergone a significant transformation, impacting both service and product markets. The ripple effect is undeniable – the PHP market is experiencing a decline in adoption rates, particularly among large enterprises.

So, what should PHP developers at all levels do to adapt to this new reality? In this talk, we’ll explore strategies for upgrading skills, staying productive, and reducing reliance on a single technology stack. We’ll also delve into open-source ideas that can help PHP get back on track in the age of AI.

Join me as I share my decades of experience in both service and product markets, offering practical tips for navigating the uncertainty in the IT market. Let’s work together to ensure that PHP developers are equipped to thrive in this new era.

**Key Takeaways:**

* Strategies for upgrading skills and staying productive
* Open-source ideas for pushing PHP forward in the AI race
* Practical tips for navigating the uncertainty in the IT market

Let’s ”thaw” out the current ice age and ensure a bright future for PHP developers!

Anand Thakkar

topic will be more towards the upgrading new skill set and adopting some of the new Practices for the Old & New Developers. Basic
The Art of Balancing UI Design and Content for a Website

We have recently seen that the attention span of users visiting your website is decreasing. In such a scenario your strategic approach towards balancing content & UI design plays a pivotal role. In this session, we will dive deep into developing a website flavored with content & UI design that converts.

I will be sharing
– Insights
– Case studies
– Global observations through my conference visits
– Seamless Process
– Useful books/magazines/podcasts/blogs

Sumant Lohar

UI/UX Intermediate
Building Modern Monolithic Applications with Inertia.js, Laravel, and React

In this session, we will explore how to leverage Inertia.js to seamlessly integrate React with Laravel, creating a modern monolithic application. Inertia.js allows developers to build dynamic single-page applications (SPAs) without the need for a separate API layer. We’ll walk through the setup process, demonstrate how to create a simple application, and discuss best practices and advantages of this approach.

Bheru Lal Gameti

Frameworks Intermediate
Streamlined Content Migration with WordPress’s HTML API and Block Transforms

Migrating content to WordPress doesn’t have to be a manual slog. This talk showcases the power of WordPress’s HTML API and block transforms to automate the process, saving you time and ensuring accuracy.

Lax Mariappan

CMS Intermediate
Prometheus Monitoring 101

An introduction to Prometheus and metric-based monitoring for observing applications, servers and much more. The talk will cover the basics of setting up Prometheus, collecting and querying metrics, and visualizing data for actionable insights using Grafana.

Tripad Mishra

DevOps Basic
Think Like an Architect

The following are the key points that will be addressed in my talk.
1) Talk Overview: Learn to think like an architect to overcome real-world development challenges.
2) Key Challenges: Discover the top five challenges that developers frequently encounter.
3) Triangle of Knowledge: Introduce a methodology that encourages architectural thinking, essential for effective application design.

Ruchit Patel

The topic \”Think Like an Architect\” is designed to help engineers, especially those aspiring to advance their careers from developer to architect. Advanced
Exploring WordPress Headless CMS Architecture

Dive into the transformative potential of using WordPress as a headless CMS. Discover how decoupling the front-end and back-end of your website can offer unparalleled flexibility, performance, and scalability.

We will explore the architecture, benefits, and implementation steps, leveraging modern technologies like REST APIs and GraphQL. Real-world examples and a live demo will illustrate the power of headless WordPress, providing you with the knowledge to innovate your web development projects and deliver content seamlessly across multiple platforms.

Dinesh Jain

CMS Advanced
Building an AI (Semantic) Search Engine around the Drupal Ecosystem

Discover how to create a powerful semantic search experience within the Drupal ecosystem by leveraging hooks and vector stores. This session will explore innovative techniques for loading and retrieving data from vector stores, enabling intelligent and contextually relevant search results.

Key points:
– Introduction to semantic search and its advantages over traditional search methods
– Overview of vector stores and their role in enabling semantic search
– Leveraging Drupal hooks and other APIs to load the data efficiently
– Retrieving semantically similar results using vector similarity search

Attendees will gain a deep understanding of how to harness the power of Drupal APIs and vector stores to build a cutting-edge semantic search experience. They’ll learn practical data integration, query processing, and result retrieval techniques, enabling them to create search functionalities that understand user intent and deliver highly relevant results.

Alphons Jaimon

Frameworks Intermediate
Enhancing Drupal DXP with Language Model assistance

Explore the potential of integrating Large Language Models (LLMs) into Drupal-based Digital Experience Platforms (DXPs). This session will showcase practical use cases and implementation strategies for augmenting Drupal DXPs with LLM-powered capabilities.

Key points:
– Overview of LLMs and their capabilities (e.g., text generation, summarization, question-answering)
– Use cases for LLMs in Drupal DXPs: metadata generation, SEO optimization, accessibility automation
– Integrating LLMs with Drupal using API-based services & ready to use contrib modules
– Techniques for adapting LLMs to specific domain knowledge and brand guidelines
– Considerations for responsible AI usage, data privacy, and ethical concerns

Attendees will gain insights into how LLMs can streamline content creation, improve SEO, and enhance accessibility in Drupal-based DXPs, along with practical implementation guidance.

Alphons Jaimon

CMS Intermediate
Data Protection and Guardrails for Language Model integrations

As the adoption of Language Models (LLMs) grows, ensuring data protection and implementing appropriate guardrails becomes crucial. This framework-agnostic session will explore strategies and best practices for responsible LLM usage.

Key points:
– Understanding data privacy risks and ethical concerns in LLM implementations
– Techniques for data anonymization and secure data handling when working with LLMs
– Leveraging local LLMs and federated learning approaches for enhanced data privacy
– Implementing input and output guardrails to prevent misuse and mitigate potential harm
– Establishing governance frameworks and guidelines for responsible AI development

Attendees will leave with a roadmap for integrating LLMs into their applications while prioritizing data protection, user privacy, and ethical considerations.

Alphons Jaimon

Security Advanced
User Auth | Wide or Deep | An Exploration

Requesting users to log in to your platform for personalization is crucial when operating a service or platform. However, this process often presents challenges, such as deciding on the login method or determining the necessity of two-factor authentication. These and many other questions arise when developing tools.

In this talk, we will delve into the various options and solutions available in the industry and explore potential new approaches to make the entire user experience seamless and frictionless.

Vachan Kudmule

UI/UX Basic
Build a chat ot with your data in mins

”Join our live demo to locally build and host a tiny yet powerful, context-aware chatbot using your PDF docs with no-code tools like Ollama and Flowwise!

Alphons Jaimon

Frameworks Basic

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